Curriculum Based Measurement Oral Reading Fluency Passages

Curriculum-Based Measurement: Sample Measures and Norms

CBM Type

Online CBM Application

CBM Directions & Norms

CBM: Letter Name Fluency & Letter Sound Fluency
 Alphabetic character Name Fluency Generator  LNF/LSF: Directions & Norms

CBM: Oral Reading Fluency

Reading Passage Generator

***Updated ORF Norms: Hasbrouck & Tindal, 2017***

Oral Reading Fluency: Directions & Norms

C BM: Maze Passages (Comprehension)

Maze Passage Generator

Maze: Directions & Norms

CBM: Early Math Fluency
Early Math Fluency Generator Early Math Fluency: Directions & Norms

CBM: Math Computation

Math Worksheet Generator

Math Ciphering: Directions & Norms

CBM: Written Expression

Writing Probe Generator

Writing: Directions & Norms

This page is your 'ane-stop' destination for free Curriculum-Based Measurement resource on the Internet. Scan the page to find CBM materials to behave schoolhouse-broad screenings and monitor student progress. Or review one of the featured manuals to acquire how to use CBMs in schools and to interpret the results to make expert RTI decisions.

Early Reading Measures
Reading Fluency & Comprehension Measures
Early Mathematics Measures
Math Ciphering & Math Concepts and Applications Measures
Written Expression Measures
Graphing Options
CBM Norms
CBM Manuals
CBM Forms
CBM Pay Sites

Early Reading Measures

Admission measures to track foundation reading skills

Letter Name and Dolch Word List Probes: Schools can create their own customized CBM materials in these early reading skill areas:

  • Letter Naming/Sound Fluency Using English and Castilian Alphabets
  • Dolch Give-and-take Listing Fluency

DIBELS Early Reading Probes: The DIBELS [Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills] website has materials for administering and scoring a range of early reading skills. DIBELS as well includes performance benchmarks. Materials are free but users do have to register with the site to obtain them. DIBELS early on reading measures include:

  • Initial Sound Fluency
  • Phoneme Segmentation
  • Letter Naming Fluency
  • Nonsense Discussion Fluency

EasyCBM Early on Reading Probes: The website has several types of early on reading probes. Teachers can admission materials for free but must annals with the site to exercise so. Available measures include:

  • Phoneme Division
  • Letter of the alphabet Naming Fluency
  • Letter Sound Fluency
  • Discussion Identification Fluency


Reading Fluency & Comprehension Measures

Assess reading fluency and comprehension

Custom ORF and Maze Passage Probes: Schools can create their own customized CBM materials for reading fluency &comprehension:

  • Oral Reading Fuency Probes: Oral Reading Fluency probes assess students' proficiency in reading connected text. Users can type or paste text into the Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Probe Generator to create materials in pdf format to monitor student accuracy and fluency as they read aloud.
  • Maze Passage Fluency  Probes: Maze (multiple-choice Cloze) passages are used to track student growth in bones reading comprehension. The Maze Passage Generator allows the user to type or paste in text and and then quickly create a Maze passage in pdf format.

DIBELS Reading Fluency Materials: The DIBELS website has leveled passages to appraise Oral Reading Fluency. Materials are free but users practise have to register with the site to obtain them.


Early Mathematics Measures

Access measures to track foundation math skills

NumberFly Early Math Probes. Schools tin can use the NumberFly application to generate Early Math Fluency assessments to track 'number sense'  in young children (grades K & 1). The application has iii customizable forms to create Early Math Fluency probes.

  • Quantity Bigotry
  • Missing Number
  • Number Identification

Early Numeracy Measures: Drs. Erica Lembke of the University of Missouri and Anne Foegen of Iowa State University take developed updated versions of Early Numeracy Measures. You lot can obtain their nearly recent Early Numeracy Measures screening materials, technical reports, and a user agreement (all for costless) online at the Research Establish on Progress Monitoring.


Math Computation & Math Concepts and Applications Measures

Find assessments to track proficiency in computation skills and higher-level math skills

Custom Math Ciphering Worksheets: Use the Math Worksheet Generator awarding to create custom CBM math computation worksheets in:

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Partition
  • Mixed Computation Skills

SuperKids Avant-garde Ciphering Worksheets: The website has an application that tin generate more advanced math ciphering worksheets, including:

  • Fractions
  • Percentages
  • Rounding
  • Averages
  • Exponents
  • Factorials

Math Concepts & Applications Probes: The EasyCBM website has a series of math probes that are based on Math Focal Points from the National Council ofTeachers of Mathematics.  Teachers can admission materials for complimentary but must register with the site to do and then.


Written Expression Measures

Create probes to rails student evolution of writing skills

Writing Probe Generator: Use the Writing Probe Generator from Intervention Central to create custom CBM writing probes in pdf format. The application allows the user to enter their own story starter or select a story starter from the site.


Graphing Options

Use these resources to create visual displays of CBM data

Paper Graphing Forms: Educators tin can download a series of per-formatted paper CBM graph forms from Intervention Central:

  • Reading : 0 to 40:12 wks
  • Math : 0 to 40:12 wks
  • Writing : 0 to 40:12 wks
  • Blank : 0 to 40:12 wks
  • Boosted Page : 0 to 40:12 wks
  • Reading : 0 to 80:12 wks
  • Math : 0 to 80:12 wks
  • Writing : 0 to 80:12 wks
  • Blank : 0 to eighty:12 wks
  • Additional Page : 0 to fourscore:12 wks
  • Reading : 0 to 140:12 wks
  • Writing : 0 to 140:12 wks
  • Bare : 0 to 140:12 wks
  • Additional Page : 0 to 140:12 wks

On-Line Graphing: Utilise ChartDog, an online CBM awarding from world wide that allows you to generate progress-monitoring time-series graphs.

Excel Graphs: Download several Excel spreadsheets from Dr. Jim McDougal that have been pre-formatted to allow you to enter information and to create time-series graphs for CBM measures.


CBM Norms

Norms can provide schools with criteria for judging student success on CBM tasks

Oral Reading Fluency: 90 Years of Measurement. These Oral Reading Fluency (ORF)research norms from Hasbrouck & Tindal (2005) may exist helpful for schools, as they can exist used to ready performance benchmarks for students. And click hither to view a summary of these ORF norms from UCONN in an hands accessible one-page format.


CBM Manuals

These guides provide guidelines for administering, scoring, and interpreting CBM measures

CBM Modules from the National Center on RTI and Center on Student Progress Monitoring: A collection of manuals and presentation materials for using CBM can be found on the websites of the National Centre on RTI and the National Heart on Student Progress-Monitoring . The manuals include the following titles:

  • Introduction to CBM for Progress-Monitoring
  • Using CBM for Progress-Monitoring in Reading
  • Using CBM for Progress-Monitoring in Written Expression and Spelling
  • Using CBM for Progress-Monitoring in Math
  • Using CBM to Determine Response to Intervention

CBM Manuals from AIMSweb . The commercial AIMSweb CBM site has a series of very thorough and well-formatted CBM manuals on a full range of measures. For each link beneath, click on the 'Scoring Guide' tag to access the gratuitous manuals:

  • Test of Early Literacy-CBM Manual
  • Early :Literacy: Spanish (MIDE)-CBM Transmission
  • Reading Comprehension (Maze)-CBM Manual
  • Test of Early Numeracy-CBM Transmission
  • Math-Compuation-CBM Manual
  • Spelling-CBM Transmission
  • Written Expression -CBM Transmission
  • Oral Reading Fluency-CBM Manual

Curriculum-Based Measurement: A Manual for Teachers This manual from Intervention Central provides an introduction to CBM and its utilize in schools.

CBM & English Language Learners: This certificate provides a brief introduction to CBMs and their use with English Language Learners. Also included are directions in Spanish for Alphabetic character Reading Fluency, Math Ciphering, Passage Reading, and Written Expression. The guide was written by Dr. Seth Aldrich, a bilingual school psychologist and RTI trainer.

Short Sets of CBM Directions: Intervention Central presents these streamlined sets of directions for CBM:

  • Reading: Oral Reading Fluency
  • Math Computation
  • Writing: Total Words, Correctly Spelled Words, Right Writing Sequences
  • Spelling


CBM Forms

These forms tin aid schools to organize CBM data

CBM Data Collection Forms: These forms from Intervention Central can assist schools to collect and organized CBM data.

  • Reading: Oral Reading Fluency
  • Math Computation
  • Writing: Correct Writing Sequences
  • Letter Identification
  • Number Identification
  • Word Listing Identification


CBM Pay Sites

These websites have CBM materials bachelor for purchase

  • AIMSweb This pay site ( includes CBM assessments in reading, math, spelling, and writing. The early on reading measures assess phonemic awareness and alphabetic. The site also has measures in oral reading fluency and Maze passages. In math, the AIMSweb site offers early on math fluency, math ciphering, and concepts and applications probes. In addition, the site contains writing and spelling assessments. AIMSweb too provides options to schools to lodge printed sets of assessment materials, figurer and software tools for efficient data capture, and web-based management of CBM data.
  • EasyCBM The EasyCBM site ( contains an array of reading and math CBM assessments and is free to individual teachers. Schools and districts tin purchase services from the site, with the cost calculated yearly based on student enrollment. The reading section of the site contains cess distributed across the appropriate form levels for Phoneme Segmenting, Letter Names, Alphabetic character Sounds, Word Reading Fluency, Passage Reading Fluency, Multiple Choice Reading Comprehension. The site besides has math assessments for grades K-eight based on the Focal Point Standards in Mathematics from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. These assessments are described on by the developers as testing 'conceptual understanding' rather than basic computational fluency. Teachers can enter and shop educatee cess information on the site, generate progress monitoring charts, and amass the results of numbers of students to create charts depicting group or course operation.
  • EdCheckup This site ( provides commercial measures of reading, writing, and math, as well as student information management options. To track literacy skills, EdCheckup has 2 beginning reading cess: letter sounds and isolated words. The site also measures more avant-garde reading skills through oral reading fluency and Maze passage probes. There are four options offered in writing cess: sentence copying, sentence dictation, paragraph dictation, and written expression. Math probes assess computation, using a 'cloze math' format. EdCheckup besides offers schools and districts the selection of entering their student CBM data online and generating screening and progress-monitoring reports and graphs.
  • STEEP The STEEP (System to Enhance Educational Performance-- website offers commercial CBM products. Its products include both reading and math CBM measures. The site has CBM early literacy, oral reading fluency and Maze passages that span grades 1-12. In math, STEEP includes early math skills, math computation assessments, measures based on the Focal Point Standards in Mathematics from the National Quango of Teachers of Mathematics, and Concepts and Applications measures for secondary grades. Schools and districts can purchases assessments separately or can pay a fee based on pupil enrollment for more comprehensive services, including web-based data management.



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