
Модальные глаголы — это глаголы, которые не используются самостоятельно; они выражают отношение говорящего к какому-либо действию или состоянию. Говорящий может оценивать действие как возможное, необходимое, разрешенное, запрещенное, приказываемое и т.п. Модальные глаголы часто используются в английском языке для выражения обязательства, долга, необходимости, разрешения, запрета, возможности, способности/неспособности, для выражения критического замечания, предложения или для того, чтобы дать совет.

К модальным глаголам относятся can/could (уметь, быть в состоянии/мог, умел), may/power (может/мог (используется для выражения вероятности или разрешения)), must/have to (должен («категоричный» глагол)/должен в связи с какими-то обстоятельствами), ought to (следует, нужно), shall/should (для предложения совместного действия, предложение услуги,совет), will/would (намерения, желания, обещания). Could, would, mightiness — это формы глаголов в прошлом времени.

Насколько хорошо Вы знакомы с английскими модальными глаголами, проверим на упражнениях.

Exercise 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. You tin can/could buy the present yesterday.
  2. 2. I think we could/will be able to buy the tickets advance.
  3. Eddy essential/had to return me this book yesterday.
  4. The students must/mustn't make a noise in the classroom.
  5. The children may/will be allowed to play in the car park today.
  6. My mother May not/won't allow me to choose her camera.
  7. Your cousin can/may play guitar really well.
  8. All the students had to/will have to pass the exams at the end of the year.
  9. Cobbler's last year Ben could/couldn't speak English, but nowadays He can/can't speak West Germanic language rather well.
  10. I reckon they stool/wish be fit to take off part in this festival next year.

Answers: 1. could 2. wish be able to 3. had to 4. mustn't 5. may 6. South Korean won't allow 7. can 8. will have to 9. couldn't, can 10. volition be able to.

Exercise 2. Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках.


  1. Jane…play the fiddle a year agone, but now she … play healed. She…play at the concert in two month. (can, could, be able to)
  2. You … lookout this photographic film yesterday. I…you to go for a walk about when you finish your homework. Your friend…visit you today. (Crataegus laevigata, might, will allow)
  3. Oscar…take an aspirin an minute ago. He…hit the hay right now. He…visit the doctor in three days. (essential, had to, will throw to)
  4. My friend…speak French real easily. He…speak Gallic when he was twelve. I think He…go to university in French Republic in his future. (throne, could, will be able to)
  5. We…clean the noneffervescent now. We…clean the apartment yesterday, just we had a lot of homework to do. We…die out shopping tomorrow evening. (had to, must, will be able to)
  6. Tony and Hideaway…go to the movie theater yesterday. If they own already had dinner, they…drama information processing system games. Their parents…the boys to die down to the river next Saturday. (whitethorn, power, will allow)

Answers:1. could, can, volition cost competent to 2. power, will allow, may 3. had to, must, volition have to 4. can, could, will be able to 5. mustiness, had to, will beryllium able to 6. power, may, will allow.

Exercise 3. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.


  1. Henry dismiss play volleyball game very well.
  2. We could help you with menage chores yesterday.
  3. Dolly must look after her little cousin.
  4. They may go fishing with Bob.
  5. Alex could return Pine Tree State this disc yesterday.
  6. He Crataegus laevigata give you sweets after dinner.
  7. Mary must translate this text.
  8. I can gain a cup of tea for them.
  9. You must take concern of your sister.
  10. The doctor can examine you.
  11. Notch could ski past winter.

Answers:1. Henry can't bid volleyball OK. Give notice William Henry play volleyball fine? 2. We couldn't supporte you with house chores yesterday. Could we avail you with house chores yesterday? 3. Doll mustn't feeling after her little cousin. Must Dolly look aft her little cousin? 4. They may non go fishing with Bob. May they go sportfishing with Bob? 5. Alex couldn't return me this record yesterday. Could Alex return me this phonograph record yesterday? 6. He may not give you sweets after dinner party. May atomic number 2 give you sweets after dinner? 7. Blessed Virgin mustn't translate this text. Mustiness Madonn translate this text? 8. I can't pull in a cup of tea for them. Can I make a cup of Camellia sinensis for them? 9. You mustn't take care of your sister. Must you take care of your baby? 10. The doctor tail end't examine you. Can the repair examine you? 11. Nick couldn't ski last winter. Could Nick ski survive winter?

Example 4. Дополните предложения, используя модальные глаголы и слова в скобках (как в примере).

Ron can playact football but (to dramatic play hoops ) — Ron can play football but he tail't playact basketball.

Sue must learn the poem just (to write an essay ?) — Sue must check the poem but must she write an essay?


  1. Jack and St. Paul may ride bikes but (to hinge upon fast -).
  2. Amy could skate last year but (to ski ?).
  3. You may watch the cartoon just (to watch the film -).
  4. I must paint the roof but (to paint the fence ?).
  5. Eric can read in French merely (to utter French ?).
  6. Children must eat yield but (to eat many sweets -).
  7. At the age of two Betty could walk but (to speak -).
  8. You whitethorn take my car but (thrust without a licence -).

Answers:1. Laborer and Paul Crataegus laevigata ride bikes but they may non ride hurrying. 2. …could she ski? 3. …you may non look on the film. 4. must I paint the fence? 5. …can atomic number 2 speak for French? 6. … they mustn't eat many sweets. 7. … she couldn't speak. 8. … you may non drive without a licence.

Practice session 5. Напишите вопросы к выделенным словам.


  1. The boys can swim in the lake in summertime.
  2. We must buy out a naturally occurring for our mother.
  3. Pam may hear to euphony in her board.
  4. They could ski in the mountains in winter.

Answers:1. Who can swim in the lake in summer? What can the boys do in summer? Where can the boys swim in summertime? When can the boys swim in the lake? 2. Who must buy a in attendance for our father? What must we do for our mother? What must we buy for our mother? Whom mustiness we grease one's palms a present for? 3. Who may listen to music in her room? What whitethorn Pam make out in her room? What May Pam mind to in her room? In whose room may Pam listen to music? Where may Pam hear to music? 4. Who could ski in the mountains in winter?  What could they do in winter? Where could they ski in winter? When could they ski in the mountains?

Exercise 6. Дополните шутки глаголами can или can't.


1.B:  …a kangaroo jump higher than the Eiffel Tower?

А: Yes, because the Eiffel Predominate … jump!

2. А: Fulfil my newborn brother.

B: I don't bang. I … understand a wprd he says.

3. Instructor: How … we get some clean piddle?

Student: Make for the water from the river and washables it.

Answers:1. can, can't 2. can't 3. stern.

Exercise 7. Дополните предложения must или have to.


  1. I am very tired. I … go to bed earlier today.
  2. My parents think I … fit to bed early to have a good sleep.
  3. I … buy out bread. My mother asked Pine Tree State about it.
  4. I have got a terrible headache. I … take an aspirin.
  5. My teacher says I … ante up more attention to my pronunciation.
  6. We rich person nothing to eat. We … go shopping.
  7. Paul's coach says helium … exercise more to get good results at the competition.
  8. Vicky's room is in pot. She … tidy it.
  9. The weather is thus wonderful nowadays! We … go out for a picnic.
  10. Jane's boss thinks she … speak to the clients more than politely.

Answers:1. must 2. have to 3. get to 4. essential 5. have to 6. must 7. has to 8. essential 9. must 10. has to.

Exercise 8. Дополните предложения глаголом have to в правильной форме (утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной) и времени (настоящее, прошедшее или будущее).


  1. Sam has got a odontalgia soh he … visit his dentist today.
  2. … we … prepare all the documents yesterday? — No, you … .
  3. It is my day off tomorrow so I … go to the office.
  4. It was descending yesterday so Frank … take his umbrella.
  5. Sally has well so straightaway she … stay in bed whatever more.
  6. Sheila and Marion can't come to our party because they … work for the test tonight.
  7. … you … type all these letters today? — Yes, I … .
  8. My aunt arrives tomorrow sol I … meet her at the railay station.
  9. Information technology was very warming yesterday and Jessie … put away on her warm sweater.
  10. … Clara … fill therein report right straight off? — Zero, she… .
  11. Let's go shopping straight off so that we … do it tomorrow.
  12. … Mike … book a hotel room yesterday? — Yes, he… .

Answers: 1. has to 2. Did we receive to, didn't 3. won't have to 4. had to 5. doesn't have to 6. can't, wealthy person to 7. have to, do. 8. will have to 9. didn't have to

10. Does Clara have to, doesn't 11. won't have to 12. Did Mike have to, did.

Exercise 9. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


  1. My little pal can/could count when he was half a dozen.
  2. I will be able to/was able to send the invitations tomorrow.
  3. We can/could order a taxi right now.
  4. She North Korean won't embody capable to/wasn't able to understand the dominate because she had a concern.
  5. Alan could/was healthy to pull ahead the competition because his leg didn't hurt.
  6. I'm afraid Sue can't/won't personify healthy to take you to the exhibition because she'll personify very busy next Friday.
  7. It eas snowing hard and we bum't/weren't able to drive tight.
  8. Olga can't/couldn't say a countersign in English two age agone but now she can/could speak English fluently.

Answers: 1. could 2. will be able 3. can 4. wasn't healthy to 5. was able to 6. North Korean won't be able to 7. weren't competent to 8. couldn't, can.

Exercise 10. Перепишите предложения, используя English hawthorn/might, moldiness, can't, could как в примере.

I preceptor't recollect this film is interesting.

This picture show  can't be interesting.


  1. She usually phones me. I think she will phone me today.
  2. I preceptor't bon if we satisfy our cousins.
  3. I hope your little brother is nigh the sandpit.
  4. I put on't think the skim arrives prompt in such bad weather.
  5. I'm not sure if our instructor is still at school.
  6. Perhaps your parents will give you around good advice.
  7. It's rather possible that Notch bequeath buy the cake.
  8. It's dependable that they are of the identical maturat.
  9. I don't think that the situation is so bad.

Answers: 1. He must phone me today. 2. We may/might meet our cousins. 3. Your lilliputian buddy could be near the sandpit. 4. The shave can't make it along clock in such bad windward. 5. Our teacher can't still be at school.  6. Your parents could/may/might give you some good advice. 7. Nick may/might buy the coat. 8. They moldiness atomic number 4 of the same age. 9. The state of affairs fire't be so invalid.

Exercise 11. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


  1. Can/could you buy a newspaper for me, please?
  2. I shall/will give you my umbrella if you don't mind.
  3. Would/could you like a ham sandwich?
  4. Can/could you phone me in the evening?
  5. Shall/will we go to the concert tonight?
  6. Buttocks/would you like to try this jumper on?
  7. Wait a bit! I shall/will write you my address.
  8. Shall/ will we make lunch in a cafe?
  9. Shall/will you leave a message for Pine Tree State?
  10. Can/could he show Maine the cheque?

Answers:1. could 2. leave 3. would 4. tin can 5. shall 6. would 7. will 8. shall 9. will 10. send away.

Exercise 12. Переведите на английский язык.


  1. Наши соседи должны быть сейчас на работе.
  2. Мы опаздываем. Наш учитель может рассердиться.
  3. Это не может быть ее номер телефона. Она недавно сменила номер.
  4. Мой брат может забыть о встрече.
  5. Ты можешь думать, что этот вопрос не такой уж и важный.
  6. Она не может быть удивленной. Она знала об этом и раньше.
  7. Твои одноклассники могут иметь и другие задания.
  8. Этот журнал должен быть у твоего брата. Я давал его ему неделю назад.
  9. Эти девушки могут быть сестрами.
  10. Я думаю, может пойти дождь.

Answers:1. Our neighbours must be at work straight off. 2. We are late. Our instructor may get angry. 3. This can't be her phone number. She has recently altered her enumerate. 4. My brother may/might forget about the meeting. 5. You may/might think that this question isn't so important. 6. She can't be popeyed. She knew about it in advance. 7. Your classmates could have other tasks. 8. Your brother must have this magazine. I gave it to him a week ago. 9. These girls whitethorn/might be sisters. I think information technology may/might rain.

Workout 13. Переведите на английский язык.


  1. Ты можешь пользоваться компьютером, если у тебя есть работа.
  2. Ты не можешь смотреть телевизор. Ты еще не сделал уроки.
  3. Ученикам не позволяется пользоваться калькулятором на уроках математики.
  4. Можно мне взять ваш чемодан?
  5. Можно мне одолжить вашу машину, пожалуйста?
  6. Он не может оставаться с нами.
  7. Здесь не позволяется оставлять машину.
  8. Он может присоединиться к нам, если хочет.
  9. Можно мне посмотреть на ваши расчеты, пожалуйста? — Да, конечно.
  10. Можно мне яблоко? — Сначала тебе следует помыть руки, а потом ты можешь взять яблоко.

Answers:1. You may role the computer if you have some work. 2. You can't sentry TV. You haven't finished the homework still. 3. Students can't use calculators at the Math lessons. 4. Can I take your suitcase? 5. Could I borrow your car, please? 6. He can't stand with us. 7. You mustn't leave a car here. 8. He may join us if atomic number 2 wants. 9. Could/Might I look at yourcalculations, please? — Naturally, you can. 10. Can I get an apple? — World-class you should wash your hands and then you can bear an apple.




  1. Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. II уровень. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — X.: Ранок, 2012. — 304 с.

Модальные глаголы в английском языке (Modal verbs)

Модальные глаголы в английском языке. Упражнения для продолжающих